
How does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission
How does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission

It was originally developed by Phillips in 1982 to allow integrated circuits within television receivers to communicate with one another. I2C is a serial protocol used on a low-speed 2-wire interface.

how does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission

In future articles we will see how we can build our own I2C devices, how to interface a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino using I2C and how to do some advanced I2C configurations, including using multiple masters on one I2C bus. This will be the first of four articles on I2C. We’ll also see how it can be used to exchange information between two Arduinos and how it can be used to allows one Arduino to control another one. Today we will correct that and learn more about I2C. bool hasAlarm() function returns true when the temperature exceeds either the high or low alarm set point.Although we have used many I2C sensors and displays in previous articles we have not actually looked into how I2C works and how it can be used to communicate between microcontrollers.The acceptable temperature range is -55 to 125☌. setHighAlarmTemp() and setLowAlarmTemp() functions configure a device’s internal high and low temperature alarms in degrees Celsius.bool getWaitForConversion() function returns the value of the waitForConversion flag, which is useful when determining whether or not a temperature conversion is complete.setResolution() function sets the resolution of the DS18B20’s internal ADC to 9, 10, 11, or 12-bits, which correspond to 0.5☌, 0.25☌, 0.125☌, and 0.0625☌, respectively.There are many useful functions you can use with the DallasTemperature object.

how does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission how does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission

Other useful functions in the DallasTemperature.h library print(( char) 176) //shows degrees character

How does the arduino wire library work to begin transmission